Spooky Contest
A partnership between Ball State Daily and The Indy Scream Park to increase engagement on Ball State Daily's Instagram page and improve excitement for The Indy Scream Park.
The Instagram Post
Students could like the initial campaign post, follow the Ball State Daily Instagram page and tag three friends they would bring with them. By tagging friends, they would share the page with other people, therefore, increasing the following count. It also encourages students to continue to follow the Ball State Daily so they can keep winning contest prizes. See the post on Instagram here!
Was it effective? - Yes!
This social media contest received over 300 likes and improved the Ball State Daily Instagram following by 10%.
The Planning
The contest was on Instagram so our team decided to focus most of our promotional efforts onto social media. We incorporated other forms of promotion through in-person advertising and other digital sites. By promoting the contest across multiple platforms, we were able to direct students not following The Daily to the Instagram page.