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              Welcome to my online portfolio! I'm thrilled that you're here to delve into my journey. Below, you'll find a glimpse into my life through words and pictures.
             As a young child, my dream was to be a writer. However, my attempts at novel writing often lasted only a few months before I would hit a creative roadblock and never finish. 
             On my thirteenth birthday, my friends became inspired by my eerie, unfinished basement. We created a horror film with all my friends dramatically spraying ketchup and falling over. Since everyone was eager to participate, I naturally found myself behind the camera, filming and directing the unfolding scenes. That night marked my discovery for film. 
          In high school, I joined the television broadcast team, where my appreciation for video promotions blossomed. I tried out on-air reporting, behind-the-scenes producing, and all forms of storytelling. It was here that I realized my love of writing stems from my love of communications.      
             Upon entering Ball State University, I grew my skills in writing, planning, analytics and beyond.
             This portfolio is a visual and textual chronicle of my evolution. I invite you to explore the moments, both big and small, that have shaped my creative journey.

Clifton Strengths:

  1. Includer

 2. Communication

 3. Positivy

 4. Arranger

 5. WOO (Winning Others Over)

16 Personalities: The Protagonist





My Personality Data

Astrology Signs:

 Sun: Taurus

 Moon: Libra

 Rising: Libra

Karissa Wiegand Instagram
Karissa attends Ball State
Karissa Photography Event
Karissa Wiegand Instagram Photo

© 2023 by Karissa Wiegand. Proudly created with

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